Account Finder Wizard
Merchants & Farmers Bank offers several savings and checking accounts. This quiz can help you find the account that's right for you.
Which Account Are You Interested In?
Type of business account?
Do you want to earn interest on your account?
What balance do you plan to keep in your account?
Will you have more than 6 transactions per month?
Will you have more than 6 transactions per month?
Type of personal account?
What is your age?
What is your age?
Would you like to receive E-statements
Would you like to earn interest on your account?
Would you like to earn interest on your account?
What balance do you plan to keep in your account?
What balance do you plan to keep in your account?
Will you have more than 6 transactions per month?
Will you have more than 6 transactions per month?
Would you like to earn interest on your account?
What balance do you plan to keep in your account?
Will you have more than 6 transactions per month?
We recommend the following accounts:
Regular Savings
Regular Checking
Simple Checking
Interest Checking
Senior Checking
High Yield Checking
Money Market Checking
Penny Savers
High Yield Checking
Regular Checking
Interest Checking
Money Market Checking
Regular Savings